Android new version Lollipop features and review.

Posted: 10:57 AM, by Unknown .



new version of Android come with major update and this new version called Android L and Android 5 version or it will be available soon for Preview and Developer. Blow see some feature of Android L

This new version of Android come with major update and this new version called Android L and Android 5 version or it will be available soon for Preview and Developer. Blow see some feature of Android L.

Design Material-

There is lot's changing in design like it is flat and even then it is provide real-time 3D view with real time shadow into their app and provide full Animation view. You can see above image the shadow of 3G Tiles and slides.

Notification lockscreen-

Notification now show in lock screen so you can see what is going on and you easily go to the phone or app.

Another big update that you never imagine that new notification below up the screen at the top EX-when you do some important work then phone or call come then notification flow up top of screen so may easily take or reject.

Runtime, Faster and battery saver.

You should know previous Android using Dalvik but new Android L use ART that pre-compile the app so app launching become faster and runtime become efficient. As well as ART work on 64-bit processor.

And new Android L given default Battery saver called a  extreme power saving options and you can see what is running and leakage report. 

Releasing Date -

First Android 5.0 L launch for Developer and preview who hove Nexus 5 or Nexus 7 at 26 june. And for user it will coming Soon.

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